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Uterine Fibroids

Consult with an Interventional Radiologist

Minimally Invasive Options for Uterine Fibroids

UFE is a minimally invasive alternative to surgery. If you need treatment for fibroid symptoms but want to avoid surgery, UFE may be right for you. Patients who are ideal for UFE include women who:


  • Have symptomatic fibroids

  • Want to keep their uterus

  • Do not want surgery 

  • May not be good candidates for surgery


UFE is performed with x-ray guidance and sedation. During this non-surgical procedure, your interventional radiologist will make a small incision in your groin or wrist and guide a small catheter into the specific artery supplying blood to the uterine fibroids. Once the catheter is in place, the interventional radiologist injects small particles through the catheter into the artery to stop (or “embolize”) blood flow to the fibroids, causing them to shrink.

When your embolization is complete, your interventional radiologist removes the catheter and applies pressure to the small incision to allow it to heal. Many times, you will be observed overnight and discharged in the morning.

© HMFP VIR is affiliated with Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

330 Brookline Ave, Boston MA

Tel: (617) 754-2523

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